Stokes Fish Company is a leading regional and national wholesale seafood distributor and a multi-million dollar company that has proudly been in business since 1931. We buy the best quality fresh fish from all over the world including the Gulf of Mexico and sell it wholesale-to-wholesale, and we distribute it via our sister company, Lake Trucking Company. Stokes Fish Company is located in Leesburg, FL in a state-of-the-art 20,000 square ft. frozen and refrigerated distribution center to better service our customers growing needs and to comply with the FDA’s and FSMA’s rules and regulations.
We pride ourselves in our ability to not only provide premium seafood from abroad, but also to provide from the Florida waters. We buy local fresh and saltwater fish that are very seasonal. We sell it fresh and freeze some types of fin fish so we can supply our customers all year long with seasonal types of fish.
If you are a wholesale seafood company and would like to discuss how Stokes Fish Company can help fulfill your current or future needs, please contact us at 352-787-4335. We would be very interested in reviewing your needs for fresh whole fish, fresh cut and packaged fish and frozen products, and to see how we can best help you.